Students from Haptics and Kinematics/Dynamics demonstrated their projects, December 7, 2015.
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The developing of different devices for medicine has been a success during the years because different instruments and apparatus have contributed to discover new cures and surgical procedures to help humankind. However, surgical procedures depend mostly on doctors to be accomplished correctly. Therefore, scientists and engineers have been trying to develop a way to perform surgeries without depending just on doctors. This has been a challenge because there is no feedback from the robot, and this is where haptics appears to be the solution. This project is about two different approaches were haptics is been used as a solution to different problems. One of the devices used is a Phantom Omni working with a robotic arm together to perform different movements while the Omni is the one operated by the human, and the robotic arm will copy the same actions performed. These two are programmed using C++ as the main code while reading a python code from the robotic arm to accomplish the tasks. Likewise, there is another project presented on this paper due to failure on finishing the project mentioned before. This is a device created as a game to perform a positioning task while learning what haptics is and different feedbacks that could be used to overcome challenges. This game was done by using a box where some components such as stepper motor, servo, and potentiometer were installed. This was used to perform some experiments and run statistics to compare the different types of feedback used.