Students from Haptics and Kinematics/Dynamics demonstrated their projects, December 7, 2015.
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This project examines the use of haptic force feedback and what role it will play in the advancement of user interaction in the virtual world. There are different haptic feedback profiles that are utilized to potentially affect the users ability to complete different tasks in a virtual environment. This experiment consists of the user using the Phantom Omni to aim and swing to finish a variety of mini golf courses. There are 8 courses in all, but there a 4 distinct course layouts. The difference between the first half and the second half of the courses is that a swinging profile is implemented where one is straight while the other is sloped at 150 degrees, respectively. The performance of the subjects will be recorded based on the amount of strokes it takes to complete a course and the forces exerted by the Omni in the x and z directions. We found that with a total of 8 participants, 2 being excluded due to failing to complete all the courses, that there was no significant difference in performance between the two profiles used in this experiment.