Students from Haptics and Kinematics/Dynamics demonstrated their projects, December 7, 2015.
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The virtual environment haptic technology has been studied and researched and it has provided us opportunities to interact with computers in more sensitive and realistic ways. In this project, a 3D simulation billiard game is and the haptic force feedbacks are created; therefore haptic rendering the realistic interaction that excites the user. The force feedback plays an extremely important role in this application because it creates realistic real-life simulation; this simulation makes the users possible to feel the contact and collision between the sticker and the billiard balls. The virtual environment application Unity3D is used to create the phase of the game of the billiard. Since we have been emphasizing how important the force feedback is, in this experiment, different magnitude of force feedback on the skittle and ball is created. In the real-life billiard game it is known that the user will experience contact force feedback when the sticker hits the ball, in the play adjustment, the values of the mass of the balls and the sticker can easily determine how much force you need for the cue and billiard balls to go in the desired distance. In this paper, different magnitude of force feedback between the sticker and the balls is created in order to examine how efficient can the participants to complete the desire tasks. In the ANOVA test result, there was a significant effect of force feedback on the participants of the experiment at the p < 0.05 level for the condition [F(1,3) = 19.28, p = 0.0219].