Here are a few photos taken during the Haptics Class Project Demonstrations on April 27, 2012.
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Vibro-Vest: Directional Information in Three Dimensions Directional information given in three dimensions, and sensed through vibrations via an array of vibrotactors placed around the torso, has been investigated previous to this paper. To append upon the current knowledge base, a new design iteration of the vibrovest was developed and tested for its intuitivity and efficacy. Pursuant to this endeavor, a Vibro-vest with 16 vibrotactor motors, arranged in an array, was used to communicate 66 distinct angular regions, evenly spaced upon the surface of a perceptual sphere. Five participants were asked to test the device by first familiarizing themselves with it, via manipulation of a Phantom Omni spatially representative of the directions communicated through the vest, and then by being asked to determine a set preconceived spatial directions that were subsequently imparted upon them. Results showed that the design had high inuitivity and accuracy, as was intended, but could still be improved in its implementation and application. Of the 55 total trials, 81.8% of the directional guesses were within one angular region of the actual communicated direction. The ANOVA results also showed no significant difference between test subjects, but did show a significant difference between two of the 11 directions tested. Lastly, two sets of two adjacent angular regions were tested while being of different sequential separation. One set of adjacent regions was tested consecutively, while the other was tested with a sequential separation of 7 tests. Neither set was found to be mutually, or internally, significantly different from the other. This was interpreted as indicating that sequential separation played no significant role in the accurate identification of angularly adjacent regions. More information can be seen here.
The results from this study were presented at the 2012 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers National Conference. [ pdf ]