Here are a few photos taken during the Haptics Class Project Demonstrations on April 27, 2012.
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Investigating the Effectiveness of the Kinect Sensor as a Human Interface Device Active learning when applied in schools increases retention rate of material learned, and enjoyment of learning. By using the Kinect system from Microsoft, we believe that these same principles can be applied elsewhere. The Kinect allows us to track a person's body in space, and we attempted to use this tracking to improve human interaction with a computer. By using your hands as a replacement for the common computer mouse, we theorize that using a computer will be more enjoyable and less frustrating, making it easier to learn how to use a computer and making it more accessible. Due to problems with the code in our program, the intended functionality was never accomplished. However, a different demonstration showing the Kinect's abilities was shown, and users overwhelmingly enjoyed the interaction.