Here are a few photos taken during the Haptics Class Project Demonstrations on May 3, 2011.
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A Vibrotactile Touch Screen Navigation System for Vehicle Consoles Visual feedback touch screen displays are fine for phones, computers and MP3 players, however, they are unsafe for vehicle applications such as navigation consoles. The time your eyes are away from the road while selecting a button could have fatal consequences. We propose a vibrotactile feedback system that could be navigated through touch, so the driver's attention can remain on the road. Attention was simulated by having the participants read a list of numbers displayed on the computer screen. The results of the experiment show that the fastest responses came from users who did not look at the touch screen, but the fastest users also showed the most errors and false readings. In all cases, users were able to select the appropriate button in less than 2 seconds, with the average being approximately 1 second.