Students from Haptics, Kinematics/Dynamics, and Modern Biomedical Technologies demonstrated their projects, April 25, 2014.
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Virtual Workout Using Haptic Feedback Getting feedback when doing fitness exercises creates a sense of realism for a person when he/she makes a mistake and is not performing exercise effectively. In particular exercises, we need to do specific motions by lifting weight for particular amount of time. While doing this we need to ensure optimal body angle and body movement. Failing to perform any exercise perfectly can have adverse effects on body. To accomplish this feedback, we integrated a Microsoft Kinect with a feedback system using vibration motors and also showed the error when performing tasks to help the people realize their mistakes. After integrating a Microsoft Kinect with a feedback system, two people who regularly exercise in a fitness center were asked to perform the same exercises by using the feedback device in front of Microsoft Kinect. The data recorded for particular set of time involved their elbow angles. Their hand positions were shown in the interface and, with the help of feedback, there was a significant change in their pattern of performing exercise, which is presumably more effective and beneficial for muscle development. This project provides an important new avenue for increasing the accuracy in the field of fitness training by using haptic feedback system.