Students from Haptics, Kinematics/Dynamics, and Modern Biomedical Technologies demonstrated their projects, April 25, 2014.
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3-D Virtual Maze with Multiple, Bimanual Feedback Mechanisms: A Comparative Analysis of Feedback Effectiveness The purpose of this project is to rank the effectiveness of various computer-controlled, bimanual feed- back mechanisms (BFMs). Bimanual feedback (BF) is a fairly new and unexplored area of haptics. The purpose of ranking these BFMs is to identify which methods would prove most effective when implemented in novel, upper limb rehabilitation devices for individuals recovering from stroke or extreme neurological or physical trauma and damage (such as muscular dystrophy or atrophy) and training for prosthetic usage. To facilitate BFM ranking, experiments were done with a virtual 3-dimensional maze, two Phantom Omni haptic devices, and force- and position-based guidance programs. Collected data was evaluated based on time required to complete each maze. The data collected suggest a constant force feedback has the highest efficacy between the three modes tested. Mirror symmetry was most confusing for users. One participant traversed the maze with no feedback and was unable to find the finish point within 3 minutes, suggesting a benefit to all feedback methods tested. More information can be seen here.